AP Top Headlines


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AP Top Headlines are collections of AP's top news stories that are filed by AP editors multiple times during the day, many times with the same stories.

Individual AP Top Headline stories are delivered as associated items of the Top Headline parent item (for example, "AP Top News at 8:50 p.m. EDT") that identifies all of these stories.




Each of the individual story items linked to the AP Top Headline parent item may have its own associated items, such as linked pictures and/or videos.




You can find associated items in JSON associations in the API Search, Feed and Content Item responses.

AP Top Headlines Structure Example

In this example, only two stories and one linked picture are shown for brevity:

Top Headline Parent Item Example

This example shows a Top Headline parent item ("AP Top News at 8:50 p.m. EDT") with links to individual Top Headline stories under associations.

The files available for download under renditions in the parent item (for example, renditions.nitf.href for NITF) contain a list of headlines included in this AP Top Headlines collection.




To download an individual Top Headline story, follow the uri link to the story item under associations (for example, associations.10.uri) and then the story download link under renditions in that particular story item (see Top Headline Story Item Example).




// Example:

"item": {   "uri": "https://api.ap.org/media/v/content/bc6bd0dd4e335db4e808ee2827c2107b",   "altids": {     "itemid": "bc6bd0dd4e335db4e808ee2827c2107b",     "etag": "bc6bd0dd4e335db4e808ee2827c2107b_78a1aza0c0"     ...   },   "type": "text",   "headline": "AP Top News at 8:50 p.m. EDT",    ...   "associations": {     "1": {       "uri": "https://api.ap.org/media/v/content/f4ea5dfae25c4d87b9278a6077bbfe13",       "altids": {         "itemid": "f4ea5dfae25c4d87b9278a6077bbfe13",         "etag": "f4ea5dfae25c4d87b9278a6077bbfe13_9a9aza0c0"       },       "version": 1,       "type": "text",       "headline": "Feds rush aid to Puerto Rico amid growing pleas for help"     },     "2": {       "uri": "https://api.ap.org/media/v/content/39f0cf37e06b47e986134e8e51315268",       "altids": {         "itemid":   "39f0cf37e06b47e986134e8e51315268",         "etag": "39f0cf37e06b47e986134e8e51315268_5a15aza0c0"         },       "version": 0,       "type": "text",       "headline": "Puerto Rico is in the dark in wake of Hurricane Maria"     },     ...     "10": {       "uri": "https://api.ap.org/media/v/content/398ff826d5f0418a97b279b166cffc92",       "altids": {         "itemid": "398ff826d5f0418a97b279b166cffc92",         "etag": "398ff826d5f0418a97b279b166cffc92_2a7aza0c0"         },       "version": 0,       "type": "text",       "headline": "Uber wields new weapon in fight with London: diplomacy"      }   },   "renditions": {     "nitf": {       "title": "NITF Story Download",        ...       "href": "https://api.ap.org/media/v/content/bc6bd0dd4e335db4e808ee2827c2107b/download?type=text&format=NITF"     }   } }

Top Headline Story Item Example

This example shows an individual Top Headline story item (associations.10 from the example above, which is returned when you follow the link in associations.10.uri). The story download link is available under renditions (for example, in renditions.nitf.href for NITF).

This story also has a linked picture, which is available for download in associations.

// Example:

"item": {   "uri": "https://api.ap.org/media/v/content/398ff826d5f0418a97b279b166cffc92",   "altids": {     "itemid": "398ff826d5f0418a97b279b166cffc92",      ...   },   "type": "text",    ...   "headline": "Uber wields new weapon in fight with London: diplomacy",    ...   "associations": {     "1": {       "uri": "https://api.ap.org/media/v/content/8e0cea16e82343e6899d3e733aeac2d0",       "altids": {         "itemid": "8e0cea16e82343e6899d3e733aeac2d0",         "etag": "8e0cea16e82343e6899d3e733aeac2d0_4a7aza0c0"         },       "version": 0,       "type": "picture",       "headline": "Britain Uber"       }     },     "renditions": {       "nitf": {         "title": "NITF Story Download",          ...         "href": "https://api.ap.org/media/v/content/398ff826d5f0418a97b279b166cffc92/download?type=text&format=NITF"       }    } }