Access Modes
Depending on your permissions, you can access each of the available
API versions in one or more of these modes: live,
and sandbox.
You can use the same API key to access all of the modes that you are
allowed to use. To view the API versions and modes that are available
to your account, use the API
versions method.
Live mode (typically, the default) offers a fully functional API for
use of your entitled content in production systems. Downloads of main
renditions are billed based on the specifics of each content item that
are determined by your AP contract. Learn
more about pricing >>
Preview mode allows you to safely test your code on your initial integration
with the AP Media API and each time a new API version is released to ensure
that the new features and changes are properly handled by your client
application. AP strongly recommends testing the initial integration and
subsequent changes in the preview mode before they become available in
your production systems.
Entitled content with publishing and
distribution restrictions. You can access your entitled content
in the preview mode; however, you may NOT publish or distribute any
of this content.
Restricted downloads. Intended
for testing, the preview mode provides restricted download access
compared to the live mode. The main renditions of a content item (for
example, high-resolution images) are not available for download in
the preview mode. Instead, demo mains are downloaded when you follow
the links to main renditions.
No billing. Downloads in the
preview mode do not incur any charges.
Pricing experience available for testing.
In the preview mode, you can test the pricing
experience including download exceptions; for example, when a price
has changed or when a meter has expired. Use the pricing=true
parameter in a search, feed or item metadata request, and then add
one of the following parameters to download links: &testprice=changed
to simulate Download After
a Price Change or &testprice=unavailable
to simulate Item not available
in Plan.
Sandbox mode allows you to try out the API before you sign a contract
with the AP.
Demo content with publishing and distribution
restrictions. You may NOT publish or distribute any of the
demo content that you download in the sandbox mode.
Restricted downloads. The
main renditions of a content item (for example, high-resolution images)
are not available for download in the sandbox mode. Instead, demo
mains are downloaded when you follow the links to main renditions.
No billing. Downloads in the
sandbox mode do not incur any charges.