API Versions




Returns API versions and access modes (for example, live, preview and/or sandbox) for your account.


Required Request Header

  • x-api-key. Specifies the API key to authorize the request. The x-apikey header is also currently supported.

Optional Request Header

  • Accept-Encoding. Compresses the response to the gzip format. The valid value is gzip.

Request URI

  • Method: GET

  • Request URI (must be URL-encoded):



The API Versions method returns the standard HTTP status code of "200 - OK" and the API versions and modes for the specified API key in the JSON format.

For information about error codes, see API Codes.

Top-Level Properties

  • api_version. The API version.

  • id. The response ID.

  • method. The API method name and HTTP method.

  • params. Parameters used in the API request.

  • data. Contains the data and metadata associated with the response.

Response Descriptive Properties

  • id. The API versions URL.

  • title. The response name.

  • updated. The date and time (in W3C XML Schema's xs:dateTime format) when the response was generated.

  • versions. Contains the information about the API versions available for your account. For each version, the following properties are returned:

    • version. The API version number.

    • modes. The API mode(s) available for this API version; for example, live, preview and/or sandbox.

    • description. The API version description.

    • published. The date when the API version was released.

    • documentation. The link to the API documentation for this version.

    • explore. The link to the API Explorer for this version.

    • search_links. Search URLs for each available mode of this version.

    • quota_links. Links to quotas for each available mode of this version.

    • default. Indicates that this API version is set as default for your account (the live mode of this version is returned when no specific version is specified in the request).

Sample Response

  "api_version": "gateway-1.0",
  "api_mode": "live",
  "id": "0710180912a425Z18a83",
  "method": "versions.get",
  "params": {},
  "data": {
    "id": "/versions",
    "title": "AP Media API Versions",
    "updated": "2020-07-02T18:09:12.436Z",
    "versions": [
        "version": "v2.0",
        "default": true,
        "modes": [
        "description": "Media API 2.0",
        "published": "2020-04-08",
        "documentation": "https://api.ap.org/media/v2.0/docs",
        "explore": "https://api.ap.org/media/v2.0/swagger/",
        "search_links": {
          "live": "https://api.ap.org/media/v2.0-live/content/search/"
        "quota_links": {
          "live": "https://api.ap.org/media/v2.0-live/account/quotas/"
        "version": "v1.1",
        "default": false,
        "modes": [
        "description": "Media API 1.1",
        "published": "2019-02-18",
        "documentation": "https://api.ap.org/media/v1.1/docs",
        "explore": "https://api.ap.org/media/v1.1/swagger/",
         "search_links": {
          "live": "https://api.ap.org/media/v1.1-live/content/search/",
          "sandbox": "https://api.ap.org/media/v1.1-sandbox/content/search/",
          "preview": "https://api.ap.org/media/v1.1-preview/content/search/"
        "quota_links": {
          "live": "https://api.ap.org/media/v1.1-live/account/quotas/",
          "sandbox": "https://api.ap.org/media/v1.1-sandbox/account/quotas/",
          "preview": "https://api.ap.org/media/v1.1-preview/account/quotas/"





If you still require additional assistance, please contact AP Customer Support.

For current system status or system maintenance information, please visit the AP Customer Zone website.









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