Getting Content Updates
Video Tutorial

Getting Content Updates Using Next Page Links (02:31)
About Feed Workflows
Most Feed workflows fall into one of these two main categories:
Getting Content Updates Using Next Page Links
If you are requesting feeds and want to receive all content related to your query as that content becomes available, you must follow the "next_page" link from the feed response, as shown in the example below. This will ensure that the next feed request picks up precisely where the last request left off and that you do not miss any content or receive excessive duplicate files.
Example: next_page link
"api_version": "2.0",
"api_mode": "live",
"api_build": "2.0.2",
"id": "sym86viZrF",
"method": "/content/feed.GET",
"org_name": "My Organization",
"params": {
"page_size": 50,
"q": "prodictid:30598",
"data": {
"query": "prodictid:30598",
"updated": "2019-06-25T19:30:35.421Z",
"page_size": 10,
"current_item_count": 50,
"next_page": "",
"items": [
To receive your AP breaking news content in a timely manner and to ensure your feeds do not get behind, follow the "next_page" link as soon as it is returned in the feed. Because of the long polling feature, there is no need to wait any period of time between your polling requests.
If there have been changes since your previous request, the server sends back the HTTP/200 OK header and the new content items in the response body. If there have been no changes, the server returns the HTTP/200 OK header and only the link for the next request in the response body.
A query token (the qt parameter value in the "next_page"
link) expires after 72 hours of inactivity. If you follow the "next_page"
link after the token has expired and receive an error message 400, 6060, resubmit your original request.
Getting the Latest Content Using Conditional Requests
If you are periodically requesting the latest content relating to your query; for example, to refresh the top ten stories on your front page or ticker, your client application must send a conditional GET request to the AP Media API server to check if there have been any updates since your last request. This practice is used almost universally by standard web sites and web browsers. It helps avoid redundant processing of unchanged responses and greatly improves the efficiency of client applications.
AP Media API responses include the ETag header; for example:
HTTP/1.x 200 OK
Etag: "4135cda4" (a unique hash for the document)
When making a conditional request, your client application must provide the AP Media API server the ETag identifier of the previous request using the If-None-Match header. If the clients document is the latest (based on this value), the server send back the HTTP/304 Not Modified header without the response body. Alternatively, if the client's document is outdated, the server sends back the HTTP/200 OK header and the new response body.
To receive your AP breaking news content in a timely manner, submit a new request with the ETag identifier of the previous request as soon as the Etag is returned by the Media API server. Because of the long polling feature, there is no need to wait any period of time between your polling requests.
Example: Getting the latest items
To get the latest 20 items for some products:
Compose the request (make sure to supply the API key in the x-api-key request header):
If you receive a HTTP/200 OK response, do both of the following:
Save the returned ETag header to issue along with your next request.
Process the response as you would normally do; for example, rebuild your web page or refresh Word Press.
When you want to refresh your web page, submit your previous URL again and set the HTTP Request Header If-None-Match to the value of the ETag header from the previous response.
The Media API uses that header value to determine if the content you have previously received is still up-to-date. If it is not, the API will respond with a new ETag header and the fresh items. You will receive the 20 latest items, at least one of which will be new or updated.