Feed or Search?

Should I use Feed or Search to ingest my content?

Most of our customers ingest their content using the Feed method. If you are not sure which method to use, we recommend starting with Feed.

The Feed method allows you to:

  • Receive a stream of new content as it is published by the AP.

  • Limit the number of duplicate items downloaded and ensure you are not missing any items.

You can use the Search method to search for individual content items from our existing database of content, including archive content (if allowed by your contract).

What are the differences between Search and Feed?





  • For efficiency on feed requests, the AP Media API server uses HTTP long polling where the server holds the client's feed request open until new content becomes available or up to 15 seconds. Learn more >>

  • AP Media API distinguishes between two types of feeds - standard and query-based. Learn more >>