Typical Feed Workflow

  1. Retrieve product IDs for your account (typically done once). To get product IDs for content available to your account, retrieve your plan information from the API and save it to your CMS. More about Account Plans >>

  2. Get a feed of content for the product IDs. Make an initial request for a feed of content matching the specified criteria (for example, retrieved product IDs and/or keywords), optionally including all or specific content metadata in the response. More about Feed >>

    The feed response includes:

    • Content item metadata and download links.

    • The link to use in the next request.

  3. View content metadata. Retrieve full content metadata from the API. This step is optional if you requested to include all metadata of interest in the feed response. More about Item Metadata >>

  4. Process metadata and download content. Process content item metadata and follow the links in the feed to download content files from the API. More about Item Downloads >>

  5. Receive content updates. Use the link returned in the initial feed to make the next request.

    The response includes:

    • All content updated since your previous request.

    • The link to use in the next request.

    Repeat this step to get updates. More about Next Page Links >>






If you only want to update the latest content, use conditional GET requests.